Underwriting Guidelines

Supported by Listeners Like You

Grace Radio 102.9 is the only radio station serving Cherokee County exclusively.  Regional stations may have more power, however they use their large coverage to air programs for the entire Atlanta Radio Market, not individual towns or counties. With 16 Christian radio stations in the greater Atlanta metropolitan area, there are a wide range of formats.  WPCG-LP’s programming consists of Contemporary Christian music, news, and selected talk / ministry programs.

N.C.E. (Non-Commercial Educational) radio stations are allowed by the FCC to air commercials, paid programming from businesses / individuals, or raising money for any purpose except the station’s own expenses.  However, Grace Radio and hundreds of other educational radio/TV stations are permitted to:

  1. Air “enhanced underwriting announcements” acknowledging financial support from businesses and “for-profit” organizations.
  2. Accept financial underwriting to air programming provided by non-profit organizations such as churches, ministries, and civic clubs and associations. These programs must be aired “in the public interest” and not “because of financial considerations.”
  3. Solicit donations from individuals and families. These are tax deductible; as required by the IRS, receipts must mailed to all donors.

Underwriting from businesses and other “for profit” organizations

Donations may be acknowledged by a brief announcement, generally 30 seconds or less in length.


  1. Name of donor
  2. Slogan or logo identifying the donor (audio or visual)
  3. Address, telephone number, and web site
  4. Brand name may be included
  5. A value neutral description of products, goods, and services


  1. Comparative or qualitative statements
  2. Price information
  3. “Calls to action” or statements encouraging listeners to contact or patronize the donor
  4. Repetitive statements (giving name / address several times in one announcement).

Underwriting from churches, ministries, and other non-profit organizations

Stations may air programs and announcements from bona fide non-profit entities if the material aired is deemed as advancing the public interest.

Permitted: – Everything a for-profit entity is allowed plus:

 Comparative or qualitative statements

  1. “Calls to action”
  2. Price information (“suggested donation”)
  3. Printed materials and CDs/DVDs may be offered and brief requests for donations


  1. Announcements totaling more than three minutes out of a thirty-minute program encouraging the listener to “send a donation”
  2. Grace Radio is forbidden to “interrupt regular programming” to raise money for any purpose except its own operating expenses. Specifically, money can NOT be raised to help victims of disasters or groups like the Red Cross or Salvation Army, unless done as occasional brief Public Service Announcements.

Gray Areas in the Regulations

Non Commercial/Education (NCE) stations and business underwriters who wish to “stretch the envelope” find conflicting interpretations by underwriting professionals, FCC attorneys, and the FCC itself.  Here are some “gray areas”:

It is OK to identify an accounting professional as a “CPA” and health professional as a “MD” but the FCC criticized (but did not fine) a station for saying that a photographer was a member of “Professional Photographers of America.”  We assume that it is OK to say that someone is a REALTOR but not that they are members of a “Million Dollar Roundtable.”

It is OK to say that a retailer has “ten area locations” but not that the locations are “convenient.”

It is OK to say an auto dealer sells “new and used cars” and that an amusement park is open “most holidays” but not to say, “(dealer) now has the new 2023 Monte Carlo in stock” or that the amusement park “offers a Halloween alternative” by being open on Halloween.

NCE stations can hold contests and give away prizes supplied by businesses, but the station cannot brag about “how great” the price is.

Educational stations can air commercials if they do not receive compensation in any form for doing so.  The question, “What is a station’s motive for airing the commercial?”  Apparently historic / nostalgia programming on “the best commercials of the 90s” would be OK.

Can a station air a “Yard Sale of the Air,” allowing members of the public to sell household items at no charge?  Underwriting professionals differ on this issue.

Prospective underwriters should submit a proposed script in advance for Grace Radio’s review, or request that we script your announcement.